Saints row gat out of hell gameplay
Saints row gat out of hell gameplay

saints row gat out of hell gameplay

Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 39 (Enemies) Kill Legionnaries (30 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 38 (Enemies) Kill Imps (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 37 (Enemies) Kill Shadow Demons (50 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 36 (Enemies) Kill Grenadiers (50 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 35 (Enemies) Kill Archdukes (10 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 34 (Enemies) Kill Demons (1000 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 33 (Enemies) Kill Dark Inciters (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 32 (Enemies) Destroy Demon Vehicles (100 total)

Saints row gat out of hell gameplay upgrade#

Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 31 (Weapons) Fully upgrade all weapons (19 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 30 (Weapons) Seven Deadly Weapons (Total 7) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 29 (Weapons) Explosive Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 28 (Weapons) Headshot Kills (30 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 27 (Weapons) One Hit Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 26 (Weapons) Gods Hammer Smite Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 25 (Weapons) Armchair-a-geddon Missile Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 24 (Weapons) Brimstone Belcher Acid Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 23 (Weapons) Exodus 10 Swarm Kills (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 22 (Weapons) Damned Impaler Knockbacks (75 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 21 (Weapons) Umbral Rifle Scoped Kills (50 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 20 (Weapons) Lil' Croaker Tongued Targets (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 19 (Weapons) Energy Caster Lighting Kills (500 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 18 (Arcane Powers) Worship Aura Targets (200 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 17 (Arcane Powers) Flight Time (30 minutes) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 16 (Arcane Powers) Halopowered Beatdowns (50 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 15 (Arcane Powers) Distance Super Sprinted (25 miles) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 14 (Arcane Powers) Testicular Manslaughter (10 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 13 (Diversions) Find Barnstorming Locations (Total 75) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 12 (Diversions) Balls of Fire (9842 Feet) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 11 (Diversions) Complete Altars (Total 8) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 10 (Diversions) Rambulance Kills (200 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 09 (Diversions) Rampage Crushes (100 total) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 08 (Diversions) Complete All Survival Diversions (Total 13) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 07 (Diversions) Control All Extraction Facilities (Total 4)

saints row gat out of hell gameplay

Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 06 (Diversions) Convert Marshalling Grounds (Total 5) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 05 (Activities) Gold Medals in All (Total 17) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 04 (Activities) Gold Medals in Salvation (Total 3) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 03 (Activities) Gold Medals in Mayhem (Total 3) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 02 (Activities) Gold Medals in Torment Fraud (Total 3) Gat out of Hell Gameplay Demo - Challenge 01 (Activities) Gold Medals in Hellblazing (Total 8)

saints row gat out of hell gameplay

Your current challenge, dear reader, is to transcribe these images into text, and create Challenges in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. This time, who knows, maybe they're unlocked later, maybe they're being deliberately hidden for the demo because "Challenge 57 (Miscellaneous) Dex Tomes Collected (Total 5)" would be too much of a give-away.Īnyway, as is my wont, I've taken screenshots of just about every frame of the gameplay video to bring you screenshots of every challenge. Last time, the "missing" challenges turned out to be the sequels to "Complete 1 Challenge". This time around, however, there appear to be far fewer Challenges displayed by default (56 of 102), and far fewer Rewards. :( So far, it appears that in Gat out of Hell, all Challenges have been merged into the main quest log, perhaps they found that people overlooked the Challenges submenu last time. Forum Index > Saints Row: Gat out of Hell > Gat out of Hell ChallengesĪs with last year, we've been lucky to have had a gameplay demo where the player, in this case Steve Jaros ( ), has kindly scrolled through the Challenges list.

Saints row gat out of hell gameplay